4 Apr 2005

Rifle Shooting!

I held a gun for the 2nd time ever today, and practiced shooting at targets for the adventure race this weekend. It was fun! Mark & I went kayaking round Lake Rotoma for a couple of hours in the morning, then back to his farm (called Braemar - nice!) for some target practice...it was easier than I thought it might be - the guns didn't have a kickback or anything so apart from being quite heavy (at least I thought so) it wasn't so hard.

ARC Coromandel is a 24-hour adventure race, including mtn-biking, running/trekking, navigating through the bush, kayaking, abseiling, rifle-shooting and "high-adrenaline" mystery events!! As much as we joked in the States about my "required gear" status, this time I really am - a woman is a mandatory part of the team, and apparently there is a fair shortage of those who are keen :) My team-mates Dean, Mark and Jamie are all really nice guys, and hopefully not too serious about the whole thing!


Blogger Frick said...

SWEET. 24hr race! Shooting?? Those Kiwis and their guns. I will hopefully be doing my first 24hr in a couple of months

4:23 am  

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